LCETB is cooperating with eeef on Technical Assistance to enhance the learning environment of students including post primary students, socially disadvantaged adults and early school leavers

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (LCETB) will receive Technical Assistance funds to put in place an LCETB-wide Energy Management Plan and instigate a series of energy saving measures across its various schools and centres, involving a projected investment in excess of €16.4m in two phases.  This Technical Assistance will facilitate the development of 49 building retrofit projects as well as the instalment of renewable energy components.  The overall project objective is to reduce overall electricity and thermal energy usage by over 50% per annum, thereby helping the organisation to achieve its 2020 energy reduction targets.

LCETB is a Statutory Education Authority responsible for the delivery of education, training and related services to the Counties of Limerick and Clare. The LCETB has eighteen post primary schools under direct management throughout the region of Clare and Limerick, a dedicated Further Education College with outreach provision with a total enrolment of circa 8,500 students. It provides a range of education and training opportunities and programmes for all age groups in formal and informal settings throughout the two counties. It employs approximately 2,500 staff, circa 85% of whom are instructional staff. The overall objective of this project is to enhance the learning environment for students and instructors, by carrying out energy efficiency deep retrofit projects and installing renewable energy systems at appropriate sites.

As outlined above, it is envisaged that the project will be implemented in two phases, with an investment in Phase 1 of EUR6.5m and in Phase 2 of EUR9.9m. This will include deep retrofits such as fabric insulation, heating system upgrades and renewable energy installations (biomass and heat pump systems as well as micro wind generators). The contribution from renewable energies will be 20% of overall energy and it is estimated that 2,850 tonnes of CO2 (eq) will be saved from the energy efficiency measures on completion of Phase 2.
The LCETB’s energy efficiency programme has the potential to be a landmark project that could be replicated by other education and training institutions throughout Ireland and Europe wide. The LCETB’s Schools and Centres aim to enhance the quality of life of all students and the wider community through the provision of qualitative and effective education and training initiatives. Many of these facilities provide much-needed education and training opportunities for socially disadvantaged adults and early school leavers. LCETB will develop case study materials, carry out presentations and site tours to highlight and promote the projects so that other similar bodies may learn from, implement and develop strategic energy management action plans within their organisations.

The European Energy Efficiency Fund (eeef) S.A., SICAV-SIF is a “société d’investissement à capital variable” governed by Luxembourg law and was initiated by the European Commission in cooperation with the European Investment Bank. The initial capitalization provided by the European Commission was increased with contributions from the sponsors European Investment Bank, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti as well as the investment manager Deutsche Bank.

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